Assalamualaikum w.b.t
I got a wall post at my facebook account from a mummy... my pupil's mum, madam Gina. She wrote something that enhancing my feeling of yearning all my pupils especially her son, Yuen. By the way, before I tell what she said, I'll story fleetingly about Yuen.

My first step in his class was on 2 August 2010, it was Friday (if there's no mistake). He is in standard 2 Gemilang along with 3 other kids but on that day there were two absentees. Lu Khai Yuen was sitting opposite to Nur Aminah and his manners were genuinely........ disapproval. I was quite shocked because according to my early meeting with his English teacher, he is clever. But what I just found was a kid who 'love' to spitting + distract his classmates and over clamorous with all kinda ridiculous words ( he loves to say 'kentut' etc). I didn't comprehend him at all, it was more than words can say.
yuen in yellow with his chums
The following week, I had starting my lesson in that class. On the first day, there were 3 kids, Aminah, Yuen and Irshad. Along the lesson I was so infuriated because of his bad manners ( as stated above). All days he was keeping disturb others and my lessons constantly deferred in order to 'govern' his misbehaves. It was approximately 3 weeks before i just realized such a great modus operandi to discipline his disapproval manners. Actually I had been started the token system which is the pupils who succeed to answer the questions during the third stage will be awarded with sticks. But, it was about after 3 weeks I had found out that all my pupils of standard 2 especially Yuen, love the stick damn much.
yuen was afraid i'll remove his sticks
After the discovery, i took this fortune maximally...hahahahah!!!! Every time he had show his bad manners, I will say "you want stick or not?" and he will reply, " want!".... I said again, "then, be good!" Alhamdulillah, since I had been using that formula, his manners as well as his other classmates were totally controlled. They all love my teaching and playing the games
especially 'poisonous box' along listen to the song ' driving in a car'. Ermm... about the song, actually it was an accident when i had discover my kids love it so's secret...
Afterward, because of my ability in handle that colleague who taught Malay Lang. in that class also asked some consultations on how I had manage to control them, it is my pleasure in sharing...
By the way, my great succession is about Yuen... It's not my intention to 'pilih kasih' among my students. But, because of his misbehaves I had to paid more attention towards him... and from that, I turn close to him + because of his concerns on me and friends. What can be concluded here is, he is very nice... just have to know how to 'grab' him :)))
teacher misses u all dear...
This is what his mummy had post on my wall ;