Assalamualaikum w.b.t
On 10th March 2011, I was given two opportunities.. Just the simple two... look after two classes for their English papers. The 1st class was 5 Amanah, they were sitting for English paper 1, from 10.00 a.m till 11.20 a.m.

Actually, during my 1st opportunity, I was starving... Allah s.w.t knows better how I felt. I had counting every seconds for them to finish the paper... At 11.15 a.m, I though I could go to the cafe and have some nasi plus relax for awhile...Unfortunately... Suddenly, a friend of mine told that I had to look after 6 Amanah from 11.30 a.m till 1.15 p.m...
He gave me the exam scripts as well...

Dengan redhanya, I went to the staffroom and took the answer paper before returned to the class.
There were 5 pupils in 6 Amanah.. 2 were partially sighted and the rest were blind.
1st kid of the p.s used large print and the other one used normal print but he had to use a tool called 'Pico' for better access
(Set the paper under the screen and the letters appear bigger from the top view)

A pupil of the blinds told me that he had to go to the library because somebody will read the questions for him..Okay, fine.. then I gave him a normal printed question paper. So, no more printed question paper left! After I had past around the braille question papers, there was one extra... Hahaha... nk kene bace dots ni ke? I asked my friend for an extra printed question... Hahaha! No extra!
At the time, I knew that I'm going to get into trouble because the blind pupils who is not able to read the braille question very well will ask me about the questions for better comprehension...
Like I just expected, the blinds asked me about the table in the section B... Yea, I knew it was quite confusing... weird dots were everywhere :)

I was 'rushing' between a p.s kid and the blinds to see the printed questions and had to explain the questions to both of blind kids. Don't underestimate me, I can read the braille dots quite well, but in this case where the time has to be considered.. I need the reference... :P
* Was having great moments with 6 Amanah
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